Rules and Regulations

Preamble :

The Dehradun Club has now been in existence for over a 100 years and has established high traditions of decorum, good behavior and etiquette. This has only been possible because of the high standards set for it by the ‘Founding Fathers’ and the generations of Members who have followed. Traditions take a long time to mature and it is necessary that these are nurtured, preserved and maintained. It is therefore and endeavor in the succeeding paragraphs to enunciate a ‘Code of Conduct’ for Members so that these customs and traditions of the Dehradun Club are maintained and preserved.

Basic Code :

(i) Every member of the Club is expected at all times to ensure that the decorum, traditions, and etiquette of the Club are properly maintained.

(ii) No Member of the Club is expected to behave in any manner which is against the interest of the Club, whether while using the Club or outside.

(iii) In case any member comes to know of any actions of any other Member which are detrimental to the larger interests of the Club, it is his duty to admonish such member and bring this to the notice of the Managing Committee.

(iv) Use Club property with due care and regard for its maintenance and upkeep.

(v) Do not criticize the Club for the ‘sake of criticizing’ instead, ‘Take Pride’ in your Club, and share constructive suggestions that are always welcome.

Conduct in dealing with other members :

All Members are required to maintain proper protocol and decorum while dealing with other Members.

The following actions are specifically prohibited as being against the ‘Code of Conduct’ -

(i) Raising voice while speaking to Fellow Members or their Guests.

(ii) Using rude, impolite and unparliamentary and threatening language.

(iii) Involve in an assault or affray with any other Member or Guests.

(iv) Using of cell phones in the hearing of fellow Members.

(v) Rash driving, blowing of horn and improper parking, as Pedestrians has a right of way in the Club premises.

The following actions are expected in adherence to the ‘Code of Conduct’ -

(i) Display due respect and regard towards senior/elderly Members and ladies.

(ii) Exchange customary wishes and greetings amongst Members.

(iii) Use courteous language while corresponding with the Members and the Club.

Actions with dishonest intentions :

All Members are required to be honest in all their dealings with Club, Staff and other Members and specifically refrain from these common misdemeanors -

(i) Avoidsigning in of Guests in the Reception Register.

(ii) Intentionally signing of chits with wrong name and number.

(iii) Offering Cash to Waiters and Staff in lieu of prepaid Smart Card

(iv) Tipping Waiters and Staff with intention of getting personal attention.

(v) Making wrong declarations, wrong scoresetcin the game of Cards or Housie.

(v)Not clearing the Club dues in time, and blaming errors in the Bill when reminded